Tim's 1928 CS1 Norton

By Simon

What has rope to do with Vintage Nortons? Tim Hunt's father was a director of Healey Brothers Ltd of Heywood in Lancashire, a fairly substantial rope-making concern founded in 1843. It is well known that Tim's bikes were initially - rather like Mike Hailwood in more recent times - provided by his parents and judging by the size of Healey Brothers, it would probably have been of little financial consequence to them to indulge him in this way! No less than 700 - 800 people were employed in their four factories and they ultimately (1971) became part of British Ropes Ltd.

This is a photo of Tim Hunt after winning the 1928 Amateur on his CS1. His father is the chap with his arm round Tim's shoulders! Tim's CS1 appears to be an entirely standard machine. As this was the same machine that he rode in the Scottish Six Days Trial in '28, it is likely that a photo exists somewhere of the bike in that event showing its number plates......